International Museum Day

Der Internationale Museumstag wird jährlich seit 1977 vom Internationalen Museumsrat ICOM ausgerufen und mit einem Motto thematisch vertieft. Das Thema für 2024, das die Museumsmitarbeiter:innen für diesen Tag inspirieren soll, lautet: Museums for Education and Research. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie auf der offiziellen Seite des International Museum Day von ICOM International.

Folgend der Wortlaut der ICOM-Resolution vom 28. Mai 1977 (12th General Assembly of ICOM, Moscow, USSR, 28 May 1977, Resolution No. 5):

International Museum Day

 the ever-growing role of museums of many countries among institutions of science, culture and technology, in line with deep-seated processes in the development of the aspirations and progressive actions of people throughout the world seeking ways to intensify communion and mutual understanding among peoples,

Considers it expedient, with the aim of further unifying the creative aspirations and efforts of museums and drawing the attention of the world public to their activity, to take a decision on the annual holding of an International Museum Day. This day to be held using the slogan: "Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples",

Recommends that the International Museum Day should be held annually on 18 May, starting in 1978, and accompanied by the opening of new museums and exhibitions, meetings with visitors, acquaintance of the public with the aims and tasks and practical activity of the International Council of Museums and its national organizations, publication of materials on this subject in the press and also by the organization of exchange exhibitions and international forums to discuss major problems of the theory and practice of the museum profession,

Expresses confidence that the annual International Museum Day will help to increase the role played by the museum which uses the universal language of the original object in order to develop international understanding.